Scott Sexson
Degree in Fire Science UAA
Wife Kathryn, no children
Current Occupation:
Retired Firefighter from Anchorage Fire Department
How many years were you with the University of Alaska Fire Department?
2 Years
What is your favorite memory, story, experience, etc. while at the University Fire Department?
I will never forget my first call/run with the UAFD. It was a warehouse fire. It was at that time I decided I wanted to be a career Firefighter. Up until then, I thought of the Fire Hall as a free place to live while I worked on Campus and went to School. The best friends I have in my life today I met during my time in the Fire Hall.
Brief History/Biography:
1952 I was born in Spokane Washington. Our family moved to Anchorage Alaska in January of 1958. I grew up in Anchorage, graduated from High school in 1971 and enrolled at UAF in 1973 to play Hockey for the University. I made ice at the Beluga (an air supported dome near Patty Gym) during the winter months and mowed lawns on campus during the summer. I moved into the Fire Hall August of 1975 and in the fall of 1977, after 2 years at UAFD, I moved to Anchorage to finish school and pursue a career with the Anchorage Fire Department. May 1980 I was hired by AFD and continued to work there until July 2002. I believe I have the distinction of being the first UAFD firefighter hired by Anchorage Fire. I believe many have followed me. I retired at the rank of Fire Apparatus Engineer. Got married in 1993 to my wife Kathryn who worked as an Administrative Assistant for the University Fire and Security Departments from 1984-1990. She moved to Anchorage to finish her degree in Nursing. We were introduced by Mike Holzmueller who swore, “This isn’t a set-up”. Kathryn works as a Nurse Practitioner in Anchorage and owns her own practice. We travel a couple times a year and maintain a cabin near Hurricane Gulch (mile 170 of the Parks Highway). I am a Commercial /Instrument Pilot who owned my own plane for over 20 years. I still hunt and fish in the state of Alaska, played hockey until the age of 60 and try to hit a golf ball now and then. Life is good……….