Jan Dick
Graudated from UAF in the spring of 1972
Wife (Gerri) and sons (Joe, Ryan, and Jeff)
Current Occupation:
EMS instructor for the University of Alaska Fairabnks and state-wide.
How many years were you with the University of Alaska Fire Department?
6 years, 1967-1972
Brief History/Biography:
After graduating from UAF in the spring of 1972, I left the University Fire Department and Alaska to begin a summer job with the National Park Service at Coulee Dam NRA in western Washington. That summer job led to a career in the National Park Service lasting 30-years and taking me to Maryland, Arizona, North Carolina, California and Washington before bringing us back to Alaska in 1989. I retired while living in North Pole in 2000.
True to the UAF Fire Department tradition, my career involved structural fire fighting, wildland fire fighting as well as search and rescue. I was also a member of local volunteer fire departments in Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
I married Gerri in November 1972. We had met during the summer of 1971 when she had come to Alaska for a summer job from San Diego. She stayed in Fairbanks while I finished my senior year. After raising a family, she started teaching school in the area. She continues to teach elementary special education in a local school.
We have three sons. Joe, our oldest, is a graduate of UAF and works as an engineer for Toyota in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Our middle son Ryan is finishing up his emergency medicine residency in Akron, Ohio. Jeff, the youngest, graduated from UAF and teaches and coaches in local schools.
Gerri and I continue living in North Pole. I teach EMS classes through the University of Alaska and state-wide.

Tom Monk, Jan Dick, OD Odsather, Charley Cary, Chief Buck Whitaker Jan Dick #3, Tom Monk, #10, Ted Wellman, #2,